Baby Hope Project
Client Austral Construction
Expertise Structural & civil design, documentation and site supervision
Location Newman, WA
Project Notes
Peritas provided civil and structural engineering services as part of a design & construct team for the Baby Hope project. As part of our services we provided design and documentation for the following facilities;
Production Hub
- Earthworks including roads, drainage, parking areas and separation windrows;
- Administration building including crib room, ablutions block, ice room/locker room and office/pre-start room arranged around a central covered structure,
- Concrete slabs and foundations for Mining equipment maintenance (MEM) workshop (shipping container mounted dome shelter);\
- Concrete slabs for potable water tank and treatment plant;
- A five (5) ml turkeys nest and associated infrastructure (production bores feeding turkeys nest located approximately two (2) km south west of production hub);
- Entry boom gates (located approximately five (5) km south west of the production hub);
Bulk Fuel Storage & Distribution Facility
- Earthworks including roads, drainage, parking areas and separation windrows;
- Foundations for two (2) x 200kL storage tanks and associated concrete works;
- Concrete slabs and drains for road tanker unloading system;
- Concrete slabs for heavy mining equipment (HME) and light vehicle (LV) refuelling;
- Concrete works (including drive in sump) for oily water separation and evaporation pond;
- Office and ablution building;
- Concrete slabs and foundations for MEM workshop (shipping container mounted dome shelter);